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Thursday, February 25, 2016

اربح $10 يوميا مع أفضل بديل لأدسنس. شرح propellerads مع إثبات الدفع



Propellerads اربح $10 يوميا مع أفضل بديل لأدسنس. شرح propellerads مع إثبات الدفع

Propellerads Propellerads

للتسجيل اضغط على الصورة التالية:


فكرة الربح من الموقع كما يلي:
أن تضع إعلانات على موقعك وكلما تم نقرها او كلما زاد عدد زوار موقعك ربحت أكثر . هذا كل شيء

ميزات الموقع:
1- هذا الموقع من أفضل وأصدق المواقع والشبكات الإعلانية حسب أحصائيات أليكسا
2- يقبل المواقع ويوافق عليها بسرعة
3- يدفع للناشرين 80% من ما يدفع المعلنين
4- يدفع الموقع كحد أقصى $10 لكل ألف ظهور وهو ما يميزه عن غيره من المواقع . ويعتمد مقدار الربح
5- أنواع الإعلانات: بنرية أي صورية وبينية ونوافذ
6- بالنسبة للمعلن هناك حملات CPA,CPL,CPM
7- يتم سحب الارباح بالطرق التالية : ويب موني أو بايونير أو wire tansfer أو ePayment . يمكنك التسجيل في ويب موني وتحويل الارباح إلى حساب بنكي مثل بيبال أو بايزا عبر وسيط.
8- الحد الأدنى للسحب هو $100 عبر ويب موني والحد الأدنى للسحب عبر wire tansfer هو $500
9- يتم الدفع نهاية الشهر المقبل من طلب الدفع . يوم 30 من الشهر المقبل.

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يوميا لأدسنس. propellerads إثبات

شرح واجهة الموقع وكيفية إضافة إعلانات إلى موقعك:

يوميا لأدسنس. propellerads إثبات

أرباح أحد الإعضاء بالموقع: الموقع صادق جدا لأنه أفضل المواقع ترتيبا في أليكسا:

يوميا لأدسنس. propellerads إثبات

للتسجيل اضغط على الصورة التالية: Propellerads
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إضغط Connect

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: تحميل مشغل VPS
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: إختر ملف كلمة السر
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رابط العرض

إلى هنا أكون قد وصلت لشرح طريقة الحصول على VPS من Amazon لمدة سنة مجانا ، إن شاء الله أتطرق لطرق إستغلال الـVPS في الربح من الأنترنيت ، أي سؤال يمكنك وضعه في التعليق ، تحياتي لكم
- See more at: http://www.alrib7you.net/2015/10/get-free-windows-vps-year.html#sthash.qsFNLNC3.dpuf

تجربتى المربحة جدا مع شركات الاعلانات الاقوى للعرب propellerads

تجربتى المربحة جدا مع شركات الاعلانات الاقوى للعرب propellerads نعانى نحن المصريين من قبول شركة ادسنس لمواقعنا العربية.. العيب ليس فى ادسنس .. العيب فينا كعرب..لايوجد معلن عربى..حتى وان وجدنا معلن فانه يجعل النقرة فى الحضيض اى يجعل سعر النقرة متدنى الى اقوى حد ان لم يكن اصلا فى الاساس يستعمل كوبون جوجل كوبونات جوجل ادوردز تجعل الاعلانات مجانية..تخيل.. يعنى انت تقوم بعرض اعلانات مجانا على مدونتك او موقعك العربى لايوجد عائد.. فكرة جوجل ادسنس هى وسيطة بين المعلن والناشر.. انت تقوم بدور الناشر.. وصراحة طالما وجدت عائد من مقالاتك فستستمر فى اضافة موضوعات مفيدة.. فالعملية افادة واستفادة.. ولكن لدى العرب لايوجد معلن فى الاساس وان وجد ممسعر النقرة متدنى ولا الوم جوجل على ذلك.. قمت بتجربة مايفوق 25 شركة اعلانات قالوا انها منافسة لجوجل ادسنس.. وصراحة بعد بحث شهرين لم اجد من يستطيع منافسة ادسنس باى حال من الاحول.. اغلب المواقع اعلاناتها اباحية واسعار متدنية بشكل خيالى حيث لا تتعدى 1% من ادسنس.. ولكن موقع اليوم قمت بتجربته من يومين فقط ولم اصدق ماشاهدته فى اللوحة امامى.. يومين فقط حققت 7 دولار؟.. وانا فى ادسنس بالمحتوى العربى اليوم ب 2 دولار؟.. انها شركة اعلانات propellerads لكى تتعرف عليها بالانجليزية تفضل الوصف الخاص بالشركة.. Why PropellerAds? There are lots of reasons to join PropellerAds now: Our goal: monetize 100% of your inventory Approving almost all the sites even with small traffic volume The highest CPMs for all countries Running all ad formats No malware guarantee in our advertising tags A huge list of best advertisers Minimal payout hold ever: net 30 payment policy Different payment methods to choose Minimal ad network commission: only 20% Real-time online reporting of your activity and earnings Dedicated personal customer service and support 2 How do I get started? You need to sign up for an account by filling the form and start making money with PropellerAds easy. Please make sure that your site meets our requirements which can be found at Terms and Conditions 3 Is there any entrance fee to join PropellerAds? It is absolutely free! 4 Can PropellerAds fill my international traffic? Sure! PropellerAds intends to monetize all your traffic at best price by filling 100% of your entire inventory from all countries with paid advertisements. Our huge list of advertisers all over the world makes it easy to offer you a complete advertising solution for all your website property. 5 Where can I view my statistics: impressions, clicks, revenue and eCPM? Once your site is approved you will get a confirmation with login & password to the e-mail address mentioned in Sign-up form. To view your account information and statistics log in at www.PropellerAds.com using your credentials. 6 How much revenue will I generate? Publishers participate on a revenue share model where they receive 80% of the revenue generated by their inventory. Our up-to-date optimization tools, and various available creatives enable us achieve the highest eCPM, maximizing the value of your traffic at all times. 7 Is there any guarantee I will not get malware or virus through your tags? PropellerAds is serious about our publisher's property and manually selects what kind of ads you display. We never accept suggestive or malicious content from our advertisers. You can also ban specific ads per your request and we will block it immediately. 8 How and when will I get paid? Publishers are paid on Net 30 days from the date the invoice is received. Minimum payout is $100 for Payoneer payments and $500 for wire transfers (if the balance is lower the amount is carried to the next payment circle). At the moment we offer wire transfer and Payoneer as our payment methods. 9 Which ad units can I run with PropellerAds? We have all kinds of ad formats: 120x600 Skyscraper 160x600 Wide Skyscraper 468x60 Full Banner 300x250 in video banners Interstitials ads Catfish ads Slider ads Layers Pop-unders Video pre-rolls Site skins Let us know which ad unit you would like to run and we'll be glad to find the perfect solution for you. وصراحة كتجربة يومين فقط ومارايته من الناتج.. انصحك بالبوب اندر + دايركت + اعلان بانر 728 و 336 ضعهم فى موقع حتى مجانى وقم بجللب مقالات له ووجه له الزوار وسترى العجب!! join now http://www.propellerads.com/?rfd=7f1 Propellerads

Make money with NeoBux Earn $30 a day

NeoBux is probably one of the most recognized PTC sites out there. They have a good reputation and a great referral system. You can get referrals by setting up direct links or you can rent referrals.
Advertisements are laid out very neatly so that you can see which ones are available to click on and what they are worth. When you click on an advertisement it will open another tab in your browser outside of the NeoBuxpage. There will be a timer that counts down and once it does you will receive credit in your NeoBux account. It’s just that easy.
There is also another incentive for clicking on the advertisements. For each one viewed you will get 3 AdPrize points. These can be used to enter a draw for 1 in 120 prizes of $0.50. It’s not a lot but the odds are definitely good for winning.
Minimum payout is $2 for your first cashout. It will then increase by $1 after each cashout you make up to $10. Once it is at $10 then that will always be your minimum payout. There are a few different methods for you to be payed. NeoBux offers payment using PayPal, Payza, or NETELLER.

How to register?

Register in Neobux by clicking on this banner:

You are now in the home page of Neobux. You should see an orange button called “Register”. Click there and you will see a registration form:
how to register in neobux
registration form of neobux
As you can see, you must enter a username, password, valid e-mail, valid PayPal/Payza e-mail and your birth year. In the field “Referrer” you should enter HellFace. Finally you must enter the characters you see in the image in the field “Verification code”.
After you have successfully filled the form, you can click on the button Continue. Now check your mailbox! You should receive a confirmation e-mail soon, with a link you must click in order to activate your NeoBux account. You can’t use NeoBux before you have clicked the link in the confirmation e-mail.

What to do next? Login.

how to login in neobux
login form of neobux
You will see a button called Login in the upper right corner. After you click it, you will see the login form of Neobux. Simply enter the username and password you have registered with, and click “Send”. Now you are logged in and you can start earning easy cash.

View ads and earn money with Neobux

you can click ads and earn money
ads available to click in neobux
You will see a button called View Advertisements in the upper part of the page. After you click it, you will see all the available ads in the moment. As you can see, there are different type of ads, you can click on – Micro Exposure, Mini Exposure, Standard Exposure, Extended Exposure and Fixed Advertisements. Each type gives you different amount of money for clicking it. You can read more about it in this HELP PAGE.
When you click an advertisement, you have to click again on the small image in the field of the advertisement in order to open it. This is for security reasons. After you click on this small image, a new page will open with the advertiser’s site. On the top of the page you will see the Neobux logo with the letter O from NeObux becoimng a load bar. You must wait for it to reach the end (it depends on the type of ad, but it varies from 5 to 30 seconds). When the O becomes green, it means that the time for viewing the ad is over, and you have earned the money for it! In the upper part of the page you will see the money you have been credited with and an orange button “Close”. You can click it, in order to close the page. Now move on to next ad!
validated ad in neobux
validated ad in neobux


Adprize in Neobux
AdPrize is a great advantage of Neobux for earning more money
For each advertisement you see, except the money, you will also get 3 AdPrize points. This means you can see another 3 advertisements, and have the chance to earn cash prizes or even Golden Membership. In the end of the list with advertisements you will see a green square saying “AdPrize” and some number. You can click on the number, and view advertisement for prizes.


Referrals are the true power of NeoBux! 
Referrals are basically users, who work for you. They are normal users and they earn money just like you – by clicking ads. But when they earn money, you earn money too! There are 2 types of referrals in Neobux – Direct and Rented.
Direct referrals are people who have registered in Neobux and entered you as their referrer (they have clicked on your referral link, banner or you have told them about the great power ot the Neobux system).
The big question is HOW DO I GET REFERRALS to work for me? It is very important to have a web page to promote your referral links and banners. See more about my offer for getting referrals HERE.
You can read more about the referrals and what you earn from them in this HELP PAGE.

Proofs for paid money from Neobux

Paypal proof of the transaction
Proof that Neobux really paid me

join now

Earn $30 a day with Neobux

Today you are going to learn about an extremely profitable online business where you don’t spend a lot of money, but you can surely earn a lot of money. What you need is patience and determination to make your dreams come true. The story actually begins with Neobux, an extremely popular online PTC website. Remember to read the entire article carefully if you are really serious about earning money. I earn with Neobux for a long time. Today I want to share my tricks with you. Hope, you will find it a really valuable information.

What is Neobux?

Neobux is a PTC Website where you can earn money by viewing ads. Advertisers pay Neobux to show their Ads to people like us. When we view this advertisements, Neobux pays as we are actually helping them earn money. Generally, if you click on an advertisement, you will be paid $0.01 per ad. It may not sound a lot of money. But if you follow this guide you can easily earn more money with Neobux.
Statistically, most people fail in PTC’s. Because they don’t have patience or you can say that they don’t think about what can be a better to way to earn more money. In this article, i will show you how to make $30 to $40 a day with Neobux. It may seem simple, but this strategy actually requires some time and patience.
Please keep in mind the following terms.
RR = rented referrals
DR = direct referrals
Remember, you are going to earn money depending on your referrals. Where direct referrals is quite difficult to get, renting referrals is not that difficult. In Neobux, you can rent referrals to work for you. This is what actually earns you money. If you don’t have some money to invest in the beginning, it might take some time ( 3 to 5 months ) to build a big list of active referrals.
Doesn’t it sound great that you are earning more than $10 a day and spending only 5 to 10 minutes a day to click on available advertisements and remember, it’s real and absolutely genuine way to earn.
First Step : Start clicking ads everyday and don’t miss a single one. This is crucial in the beginning as you are just starting out and don’t have any referrals. Also, in this stage, you are trying to get 100 clicks so that you can start having DR’s. When you reach $0.60 in your balance, it is time to rent your first referrals 3 referrals.
0.001 per ad x 5 ads a day x 120 days = $0.60
Step Two : Once you have $0.60 in your balance, rent the first 3 referrals. At this point, turn autopay on. This option is available from the referrals list menu. Referrals cost 0.30 a month to maintain. Instead of paying for the referral, they will pay themselves as long as autopay is on. You get one penny less from each referral, but they will be your referral as long as they are active. As a standard, you receive 0.005 per click from each RR.
Referral clicks
0.005 per ad x 4 ads a day x 3 referrals = $0.06 per day
Total earnings : $0.06 per day
Step Three : Keep renting referrals by increments of 3 once you have the money. You can rent bigger packages as you make more money. RR Packages come in sizes of 3, 10, 20, 40, etc. Repeat this process until you have 300 referrals. This will take a few months to accomplish, and this is where most people flake out.
Referral clicks
0.005 per ad x 4 ads a day x 300 referrals = $6 per day
Total earnings : $6 per day
Note: this example assumes that all referrals are active daily. It is not an ideal world, and this kind of scenario is highly unlikely. These numbers are for illustrative purposes only. You will need more than 300 referrals to have 300 active referrals.
When you reach 300 referrals, stop buying referrals and just maintain the ones you already have. Keep doing this until you have $90 in your balance, and you can use it to pay for the Golden upgrade.
Step Four : Once you reach Golden, your referral earnings will double. You will get 0.01 per referral click instead of 0.005. Also, you will get 0.01 on personal clicks, instead of just 0.001!
Referral clicks
0.01 per ad x 4 ads a day x 500 referrals = $20 per day
Personal clicks
0.01 per ad x 10 ads a day = $0.10 per day
Total daily earnings :
20.00 + 0.10 = $20.10 per day
At this point, it may be tempting to cash out. I don’t recommend to cash out until you have 2000 referrals. Save your money to rent RR’s until you have 2,000. At this point, you should be making well over $30 to $40 a day.
Things to Remember.
Click your own advertisements everyday and check how many of referrals are actively clicking on Ads everyday. Recycle those referrals who do not click on ads for more than 7 days. If an active referrals suddenly stops clicking, do not always recycle them. May be, that person has gone to any vacation. Wait for him to return. Be patient and carefully follow the steps. After a few months when you will have a long list of active referrals, you would start earning a good amount of money. Remember to turn Autopay on to keep all your active referrals. This process really works and there are a lot of people who are earning money in this way. You will get more than what you invest to rent referrals. Do a calculation. You will understand.
So this is how you can really earn $30 to $40 everyday using Neobux. Think carefully. It takes only a few minutes of work everyday. But after a few months of work, your earnings will be huge.
Are you thinking if Neobux will really pay you or not? Then search Alexa, you will see that this is within 1000 most visited websites in the world. They have millions of members, thousands of advertisers and thousands of positive feedbacks from people. Do a search in Google image with a keyword “ Neobux Payment Proof “, you will get such a lot of payments proofs. Do you need any more proof to believe that Neobux is not a scam, but it is absolutely genuine and can be a wonderful choice to earn money online.
If you did not know about this site before, I would recommend to create a free account today and start implementing the process, I have told you in this article.
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